Travel and transport
Travel and commute expenses taken care of by the company from origin country to destination,
from place of residence to work site.

Travel by ferry or plane

Travel by bus or company's vehicle
We always provide our employees with accommodation, with 1-2 people per room. Depending on the situation,
sometimes 3 people may have to live in one room but we aim to constantly improve the living conditions.

Accommodation arranged by the company free of charge if not indicated otherwise

Wi-Fi internet 24/7
Social security
When concluding work contracts, we always define the working time norms and salary. We undertake to pay the salary for the
services rendered by the employee under the terms and procedure specified in the Contract. The employees are insured with
state social insurance.

Social security and insurance

Contract with company
Work tools and clothing
For our employees, we always provide work clothing and tools.

We supply our employees with work tools

We supply our employees with work clothing